book > index > index P
palladium 686
-, permeability for hydrogen 609,625
partial pressure 34,452
Pascal (Blaise) 2
Pascal (Pa) 17,367,666
Paschen curve 440,442
penetrant fluid 527
Penning 4
-, gauge 369,445
-, principle 442
Perbunan 580,645,686
perfluoro methylether, see ‘Kalrez’
perfluoropolyether, see ‘Fomblin oil’
periodic table of elements 665
permeability 96,569,579,616,622,624
permeation 63,90,96
permeation valve 609
persorption 84
Perspex 644
PFTE, see ‘Teflon’
phenolic 648
phosphate esters, see ‘synthetic lubricants’
photon-stimulated desorption 654
physical adsorption 63
physical properties of gases 668,669,670,671
physical state of matter 8
physical surface 618,649
physisorption, see ‘physical adsorption’
piezoresistive effect 389
piezoresistive pressure gauge 369,389
Pirani (Marcello) 411
Pirani gauge 369,411
-, leak detection with 527,551
-, Wheatstone bridge 411,412
piston pump 163,230
-, maximum compression ratio 231
-, pump properties 232
plastic coatings 634,648
plastics, see ‘synthetics’
Pneurop flange system 580,583
Poiseuille’s equation 132
Poisson’s law 109,117,166
-, electro 618
-, (electro)chemical 618,619
-, mechanical 619
polyacetal 648
polyacrylate, see ‘Perspex’
polyamide 642,648
polychloroprene see ‘neoprene’
polychlorotrifluoroethylene, see ‘Kel-F’
polyethylene foil 655
polyglycol, see ’synthetic lubricants’
polyimide 642,646,648
polymerization 642
polyphenyl esters, see ‘synthetic lubricants’
polyphenyl ether oil 224,356,359,652,673,674
polytetrafluoroethylene, see ‘Teflon’
polythene, see ‘polyethylene foil’
polytrifluorochloroethylene, see ‘Kel-F’
polytropic compression 167,269
polytropic process, equation of state 109
polyurethane 632,634
polyurethane paint 642
polyvinyl chloride, see ‘PVC’
poppet valves 604
Porcelain 639
porous materials 82
pressure 16
-, conversion factors 666
-, partial 452
-, total 452
-, units 17
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 614
pressure gauges
-, absolute (primary standard) 368,370
-, combined gauges 367
-, compound gauges 368,403
-, primary standard 368
-, survey 369
-, transfer standard 396
pressure ranges, classification of 368
pressure relief valve 171,179,189,192,309
pressure rise method 536,620
process gas analysis 476
process gas analyzer (PGA) 453,498
process pressure, see ‘working pressure’
proton 6
pump fluid 162,166,199,214
pump oil 162,673,674
pump properties
-, booster pump 230
-, claw pump 267
-, cryopump 347
-, diaphragm pump 235
-, diffusion pump 222
-, hybrid molecular pump 307
-, liquid jet pump 199
-, MDP/side channel pump 285
-, molecular drag pump (MDP) 280
-, oil free multivane pump 240
-, oil-sealed multivane pump 190
-, piston pump 232
-, Roots pump 260
-, Roots/claw combination 267
-, rotary-piston pump 193
-, rotary-vane pump 181
-, screw pump 270
-, scroll pump 243
-, side channel blower 238
-, sorption pump 318
-, sputter-ion pump 335
-, steam jet pump 211
-, titanium sublimation pump 325
-, turbomolecular pump 292
-, water ring pump 175
-, Zr-Al NEG pump 325
pump selection 351
-, corrosion resistance 353,356
-, desired working pressure 352
-, economic aspects 353
-, pumping aggressive gases/vapours 354
-, pumping explosive gases/vapours 354
-, pumping large amounts of gas 356
-, pumping toxic gases/vapours 355
-, required pumping speed 353
-, throughput 351
pumping of
-, aggressive gases/vapours 354
-, explosive gases/vapours 354
-, large amounts of gas 356
-, toxic gases/vapours 355
pumping procedures
-, diffusion pump 225
-, cryopump 348
-, general 656
-, oil sealed rotary pumps 193
-, sorption pump 315
-, turbomolecular pump 301
pumping speed 153,164
-, conversion factors 667
-, effective 153,165,353
-, selective 353
pumping speed curves
-, booster pump 222
-, claw pump 265
-, diaphragm pump 234
-, diffusion pump 222
-, molecular drag pump 273,279
-, Roots pump multiple stage 257
-, Roots pump single-stage 247,250,256
-, rotary-vane pump 188
-, screw pump 269
-, scroll pump 243
-, turbomolecular pump 289,290
-, water ring pump 171,174
pumping speed measurement
-, constant pressure method 511
-, constant volume method 508
-, (ultra-)high vacuum pump 515
purge gas 259,265,355
pV diagram 167
PVC 644
Pyrex glass 686
Pyrophyllite 639